Book Details
Orange Code:94107
Paperback:296 pages
1. Structure and function of the skin2. History, examination and initial evaluation3. Core investigative and laboratory techniques4. Dermatopathology5. An approach to pruritus6. An approach to keratinization disorders7. An approach to pustules and crusting papules8. An approach to erosions and ulcerations9. An approach to nodules and draining sinus tracts10. An approach to orders of pigmentation11. An approach to feline alopecia12. An approach to canine focal and multifocal alopecia13. An approach to symmetrical alopecia in the dog14. An approach to diseases of the nasal planum and footpads15. An approach to otitis externa16. An approach to diseases of the claws and claw folds17. An approach to anal sac disease18. Atopic dermatitis and adverse food reactions19. Feline allergic skin disease20. Flea allergy and control21. Ectoparasites22. Demodicosis23. Staphylococcal pyoderma24. Dermatophytosis25. Malassezia dermatitis26. Autoimmune and immune-mediated skin disease27. Subcutaneous and deep infections28. Nutrient-responsive dermatoses29. Actinic (solar) dermatoses30. Neoplastic and paraneoplastic syndromes affecting the skin31. Behavioural disorders32. Eosinophilic dermatoses
Dermatology constitutes a large percentage of the daily caseload in small animal practice and can represent a challenge for the busy practitioner as many different diseases have similar presenting signs. Thus, a solid understanding of how to logically and sequentially approach a dermatological case is essential for a successful outcome. The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dermatology begins by providing the reader with a grounding in examination and investigative techniques. The second section of the Manual provides a problem-oriented approach to the common dermatological conditions encountered in practice, including erosions and ulcerations, focal and multifocal alopecia and pruritus. The final part of the Manual covers the major skin diseases of dogs and cats caused by bacteria, yeast, fungi and parasites.