Book Details
Orange Code:94772
Paperback:465 pages
1. Forensic Anthropology in the United States: Past and Present2. Skeletal Remains as Evidence3. Forensic Archaeology: Survey Methods, Scene Documentation, Excavation, and Recovery Methods4. Forensic Taphonomy5. Human Osteology6. Human Odontology and Dentition in Forensic Anthropology7. Skeletal Examination and Documentation8. Sex Estimation of Unknown Human Skeletal Remains9. Ancestry Estimation: The Importance, The History, and The Practice10. Age Estimation Methods11. Stature Estimation12. Pathological Conditions as Individuating Traits in a Forensic Context13. Analysis of Skeletal Trauma14. Introduction to Fordisc 3 and Human Variation Statistics15. Time Since Death Estimation and Bone Weathering: The Postmortem Interval16. Methods of Personal Identification17. Mass Fatalities, Mass Graves, and the Forensic Investigation of International Crimes18. Advanced Scene Topics—Fire and Commingling
This robust, dynamic, and international field has grown to include interdisciplinary research, continually improving methodology, and globalization of training. Reflecting the diverse nature of the science from experts who have shaped it, Forensic Anthropology: A Comprehensive Introduction Second Edition builds off of the success of the first edition and incorporates standard practices in addition to cutting-edge approaches in a user-friendly format, making it an ideal introductory-level text.