Book Details
Orange Code:94872
Paperback:902 pages
1. dIa gNOsIs2. hIsTOr y Ta kINg aNd ThE mEdICa l r ECOr d3. ThE sCr EENINg physICa l ExamINaTION4. VITa l sIgNs, aNThr OpOmETr IC daTa , aNd pa IN5. NONr EgIONa l sysTEms aNd dIsEa sEs6. ThE skIN aNd Na Il s7. ThE hEa d aNd NECk8. ThE ChEsT: ChEsT wa l l , p lmONa r y, aNd Ca r d IOVa sC l a r sysTEms; Th E Br Ea sTs9. ThE aBdOmEN, pEr INE m, aN s, aNd r ECTOsIgmOId10. ThE r INa r y sysTEm11. ThE FEma lE gENITa l Ia aNd r Epr Od CTIVE sysTEm12. ThE ma lE gENITa l Ia aNd r Epr Od CTIVE sysTEm13. ThE spINE, pElVIs, aNd ExTr EmITIEs14. ThE NEr VO s sysTEm15. ThE mENTa l sTaT s, psyChIaTr IC, aNd sOCIa l EVa l aTIONs16. ThE pr EOpEr aTIVE EVa l aTION17. pr INCIplEs OF dIa gNOsTIC TEsTINg18. COmmON l aBOr aTOr y TEsTs19. Index
For more than forty years, the single-best guide for learning how to become a master clinical diagnostician
Much more than a text describing how to perform a history and physical examination, DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination is unmatched in its ability to help you logically assess symptoms and physical signs to facilitate development of reasonable, testable diagnostic hypotheses.
Part physical examination primer, part differential diagnosis guide, DeGowin’s:
- Describes how to obtain a complete history and perform a thorough physical examination
- Links symptoms and signs with the pathophysiology of disease
- Presents a symptom, sign, anatomy, and physiology-based approach to differential diagnosis
- Facilitates efficient cost-effective diagnostic testing using focused differential diagnoses
Organized as a practical bedside guide to assist diagnosis, DeGowin’s is valuable as a quick reference at the point-of-care or as a text to study the principles and practice of history taking and physical examination.