Book Details
Orange Code:56707
Paperback:287 pages
1. What is a Disast er?2. Psychologi cal and Psycho pathologi cal Conse quen ces of Dis asters3. Psychia tric Mo rbidity Following Disast ers: Epidemi ology, Risk and Protective Factors4. Re-evalua ting the Link betw een Dis asters and Psychopat holog y5. Psychologi cal Inter ventions fo r Peop le Expo sed to Disast ers6. Organizat ion of Me ntal Health Servic es for Disaste r Victims7. The Experie nce of the Kobe Ea rthquake8. The Experie nce of the Marm ara Earthqua ke9. The Experie nce of the Athens Earthquake10. The Experie nce of the Nairobi US Embass y Bom bing11. The New York Experie nce: Terrori st Attacks of Sep tember 11, 200112. The Experie nce of the Chornobyl Nucl ear Dis aster13. The Experie nce of the Bhopal Disast er14. The Latin Am erican and Caribbean Exp erience15. The Israeli Ex perience16. The Palestini an Experie nce17. The Experie nce of Bos nia-Herz egovina: Ps ychosoci al Conse quences of W ar Atroci ties on Chi ldren18. The Serbian Ex perienc e19. The Croatia n Experie nce
This title provides a comprehensive overview of clinical, epidemiological, psychobiological, psychosocial and service organization aspects of disaster psychiatry. It takes a practical approach and includes a series of reports on significant experiences made in this field in various regions of the world. An Unbiased and reliable reference point, endorsed by the WPA Includes contributions from internationally acclaimed experts