Book Details
Orange Code:56762
Paperback:339 pages
1. An introduct ion2. Ear ly theor y3. Phe nomen ological theor y4. Beh aviour al theory5. Phy siologic al theor y6. Cogn itive theory7. Am bitious theor y8. Spe cific emot ions theor y9. Devel opmental theor y10. Soc ial theory11. Clini cal theor y12. The indi vidual and the environmen t13. Emoti on and culture14. The ory outside psychol ogy15. Emoti on them es
'It is late at night and you are sitting quietly. The neighbours are all away. Suddenly, there is a huge thump on the door, a scream and then a deathly silence...'
As emotion and emotional experience are a daily occurrence, they have always been key topics of study for psychologists. Now in its fifth edition, The Psychology of Emotion is a classic student text on the subject. This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to all the main theories and concepts of emotion, and relates these back to everyday life, using examples that everyone can identify with.
Written in an engaging, accessible style, this fully revised edition features: * Comprehensive overview and discussion of main theories of emotion * Real life examples to illustrate key concepts * Discussion topics * Chapter summaries * Suggestions for further reading The multi-disciplinary approach taken will appeal to those investigating emotion in the fields of philosophy and the social sciences, as well as to psychology students and lecturers. Everyone studying or teaching emotion will find The Psychology of Emotion to be an invaluable resource