Book Details
Orange Code:59104
Paperback:933 pages
1. The doctor–patient relationship2. Consent, choice and refusal: adults with capacity3. Treating adults who lack capacity4. Children and young people5. Confidentiality6. H e a l t h r e c o r d s7. Contraception, abortion and birth8. Assisted reproduction9. Genetis10. Caring for patients at the end of life11. Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide12. Responsibilities after a patient’s death13. Prescribing and administering medication14. Research and innovative treatment15. Emergency situations16. Doctors with dual obligations17. Providing treatment and care in detention settings18. Education and training19. Teamwork, shared care, referral and delegation20. Public health dimensions of medical practice21. Reducing risk, clinical error and poor performance
This is your source for authoritative and comprehensive guidance from the British Medical Association (BMA) Medical Ethics Department covering both routine and highly contentious medico-legal issues faced by health care professionals. The new edition updates the information from both the legal and ethical perspectives and reflects developments surrounding The Mental Capacity Act, Human Tissue Act, and revision of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act.