Book Details
Orange Code:95562
Paperback:236 pages
1. Physical and Biological Properties and Principles2. Muscles and Skeletons3. Energetics of Locomotion4. Movement on Land5. Movement in Water6. Movement in Air7. Jumping, Climbing and Suspensory Locomotion8. Neuromuscular Control of Movement9. Evolution of Locomition
Animals have evolved remarkable biomechanical and physiological systems that enable their rich repertoire of motion. Animal Locomotion offers a fundamental understanding of animal movement through a broad comparative and integrative approach, including basic mathematics and physics, examination of new and enduring literature, consideration of classic and cutting-edge methods, and a strong emphasis on the core concepts that consistently ground the dizzying
array of animal movements. Across scales and environments, this book integrates the biomechanics of animal movement with the physiology of animal energetics and the neural control of locomotion. This second edition has been thoroughly revised, incorporating new content on non-vertebrate animal locomotor
systems, studies of animal locomotion that have inspired robotic designs, and a new chapter on the use of evolutionary approaches to locomotor mechanisms and performance.