Book Details
Orange Code:95602
Paperback:437 pages
1. Introductory Concerns2. Origins: The Uruk Phenomenon3. Competing City-States: The Early Dynastic Period4. Political Centralization in the Late Third Millennium5. The Near East in the Early Second Millennium6. The Growth of Territorial States in the Early Second Millennium7. The Club of the Great Powers8. The Western States of the Late Second Millennium9. Kassites, Assyrians, and Elamites10. The Collapse of the Regional System and Its Aftermath11. The Near East at the Start of the First Millennium12. The Rise of Assyria13. Assyrias World Domination14. The Medes and Babylonians15. The Creation of a World Empire: Persia16. Governing a World Empire: Persia
Incorporating the latest scholarly research, the third edition of A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000–323 BC presents a comprehensive overview of the multicultural civilizations of the ancient Near East.
- Integrates the most up-to-date research, and includes a richer selection of supplementary materials
- Addresses the wide variety of political, social, and cultural developments in the ancient Near East
- Updated features include new “Key Debate” boxes at the end of each chapter to engage students with various perspectives on a range of critical issues; a comprehensive timeline of events; and 46 new illustrations, including 12 color photos
- Features a new chapter addressing governance and continuity in the region during the Persian Empire
- Offers in-depth, accessible discussions of key texts and sources, including the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh