Book Details
Orange Code:95620
Paperback:1183 pages
1. The Flavians2. Nerva to Hadrian3. Hadrian to the Antonines4. The emperor and his advisers5. Emperor, Senate and magistrates6. The growth of administrative posts7. Provincial administration and finance8. Frontiers9. The army10. Local and provincial institutions and government11. Rebels and outsiders12. Rome and Italy13. Spain14. Gaul15. Roman Germany16. Africa17. Cyrenaica18. Britain19. The Danube provinces20. Greece and Asia Minor21. Syria and Arabia22. Judaea23. The land24. Trade25. Industry and technology26. Commerce and finance27. Demography28. Status and patronage29. Family and household30. Literacy31. Literature and sophistic32. Philosophy33. Medicine34. Art and architecture35. Religion