Book Details
Orange Code:95649
Paperback:364 pages
1. Through a Glass Darkly: Time, the End, and the Essence of ApocaJyptica2. A~ticism as a Worldview in Ancient Judaism and Christianity3. Introduction to the Book of Revelation4. The Gnostic Apocalypses5. Exegeting the ApocalyPse with the Donatist Communion6. Tests of Faith, Rebirth out of Corruption, or Endless Cycles of Regeneration: Experiments in the Restoration of the Late Roman Empire7. Latin Reception of the Apocalypse in the Early Middle Ages8. Exegesis of the Apocalypse in the Tenth Century9. The End of the World at the ends of the Earth10. Byzantine Apocalyptic Literature11. Joachim of Fiore and the Apocalyptic Revival of the Twelfth Cemury-12. Apocalyptic Sensibility in Renaissance Europe13. "Pride &. Vanity of the Imaginatio n, That Disdains to Follow This World's Fashion"; Apocalypticism in the Age of Reason14. The Founation of Antichristin.Mc:diCYal Western Christian Thought15. From Dabiq to Jerusalem: Trajecrories of Contemporary Salafi-jihadi Apocalypticism16. American Evangelicals and the Apocalypse17. Apocalypticism in the Contemporary World
Jewish and Christian apocalypses have captivated theologians, writers, artists, and the general public for centuries, and have had a profound influence on world history from their initial production by persecuted Jews during the second century BCE, to the birth of Christianity - through the demise of the Western Roman Empire and the medieval period, and continuing into modernity. Far from being an outlier concern, or an academic one that may be relegated to the dustbin of history, apocalyptic thinking is ubiquitous and continues to inform nearly all aspects of modern-day life. It addresses universal human concerns: the search for identity and belonging, speculation about the future, and (for some) a blueprint that provides meaning and structure to a seemingly chaotic world. The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature brings together a field of leading experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject.