Book Details
Orange Code:95710
Paperback:651 pages
1. Physical and Cultural Landscapes of Assyria2. “Assyria” in the Third Millennium bce3. The Old Assyrian Period (20th–18th Century bce)4. Economy, Society, and Daily Life in the Old Assyrian Period5. The Transition Period (17th to 15th Century bce)6. The Middle Assyrian Period (14th to 11th Century bce)7. Economy, Society, and Daily Life in the Middle Assyrian Period8. The Neo‐Assyrian Period (ca. 1000–609 bce)9. Economy, Society, and Daily Life in the Neo‐Assyrian Period10. Post‐Imperial Assyria11. Assyria and the North: Anatolia12. Assyria and the East: Western Iran and Elam13. Assyria and the West: Syria and the Levant14. Assyria and the Far West: The Aegean World15. Assyria and the South: Babylonia16. Assyria and the Far South: The Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf17. Languages and Writing Systems in Assyria18. Assyrian Religion19. Assyrian Literature20. Assyrian Scholarship and Scribal Culture in Ashur21. Assyrian Scholarship and Scribal Culture in Kalḫu and Nineveh22. Assyrian Legal Traditions23. Assyrian Cities and Architecture24. Assyrian Art25. Assyrian Technology26. Assyrian Warfare27. Thoughts on the Assyrian Empire and Assyrian Kingship28. Assyria in Late Babylonian Sources29. Assyria in the Hebrew Bible30. Assyria in Classical Sources31. The Archaeological Exploration of Assyria32. Assyrian Christians33. List of Assyrian Kings
A Companion to Assyria is a collection of original essays on ancient Assyria written by key international scholars. These new scholarly contributions have substantially reshaped contemporary understanding of society and life in this ancient civilization.
- The only detailed up-to-date introduction providing a scholarly overview of ancient Assyria in English within the last fifty years
- Original essays written and edited by a team of respected Assyriology scholars from around the world
- An in-depth exploration of Assyrian society and life, including the latest thought on cities, art, religion, literature, economy, and technology, and political and military history