Book Details
Orange Code:95952
Paperback:473 pages
1. Animal Adenoviruses2. Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses3. Bovine Herpesvirus4. Equine Herpesviruses5. Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis6. Marek’s Disease Virus7. Camelpox Virus8. Fowlpox Virus9. Swinepox Virus10. Porcine Circovirus11. Chicken Infectious Anaemia Virus12. Canine Parvovirus13. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV)14. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus15. Avian Reoviruses16. Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus17. Newcastle Disease Virus18. Avian Paramyxoviruses19. Orthomyxoviruses20. Epidemiological Perspective in Managing Viral Diseases in Animals21. Virus-Mediated Cancers in Animals22. Antivirals: Past, Present and Future23. Bioinformatics Applications in Advancing Animal Virus Research
This book discusses the prominence and implication of the viral diseases that are a major threat to animals around the globe. A number of these diseases have also shown links with human populations, which has implications for public health. This book offers detailed and up-to-date information on viral diseases in livestock and poultry that were and/or are still a problem. Including cutting-edge developments, it also highlights several landmark contributions in the field of virology from India. Additionally, the book features tables and figures showing important clinical data and recommendations, with references for further information. It also explores the economic impact of viral diseases for farmers and the livestock industry, providing several examples. Further, it presents the latest information on viral diseases in global context, with a focus on state-of-art, molecular tools for the development of diagnostics, prophylactics and therapeutics. Lastly, thebook also describes the challenges posed by the emerging and transboundary viral infections and our preparedness to counter them.