Book Details
Orange Code:96027
Paperback:938 pages
1. History of shrimp farming2. Small-scale shrimp farmers and global markets – trends, future prospects and adaptation3. Functional anatomy of penaeid shrimp4. The integument of shrimp: cuticle and its moult cycle5. The shrimp immune system6. Genetics and its applications for increasing management and culture efficiency of the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon7. Development morphology and ontogeny of penaeid prawns postlarva8. Semi-intensive shrimp culture: the history of shrimp farming in Ecuador9. Intensive production of shrimp10. Use of intensive and super-intensive nursery systems11. Shrimp pond soil and water quality management12. Maturation and larval rearing of the Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei13. Better management and certification in shrimp farming14. Selective breeding of shrimp15. White spot and taura syndrome virus: disease as drivers in the shrimp farming industry16. Practical feed management in semi-intensive systems for shrimp culture17. Raw material evaluation strategies for shrimp diets: optimizing raw material sustainability18. Nutrient requirements and current status of shrimp nutrition research19. Mineral requirements of shrimp and prawns20. Vitamin requirements of shrimp and prawns21. Nutrition and shrimp health22. Principal shrimp infectious diseases, diagnosis and management23. Importance of host-viral interactions in the control of shrimp disease outbreaks24. Designing a biosecurity plan at the facility level: criteria, steps and obstacles25. Evolutionary principles applied to disease control and health management in shrimp aquaculture26. Immunostimulants, probiotics and phage therapy: alternatives to antibiotics27. Shrimp epidemiology: applying population-based methods to shrimp health management28. What will PCR bring to shrimp farming: contribution, compromise or conflict?29. An economic framework for discussing antimicrobial agent use in shrimp farming30. The State Committees for aquaculture health: a success story from Mexico31. Shrimp production and trade32. Microbiological safety of aquacultured shrimp33. Maintaining quality of farmed shrimp to meet market demands
A comprehensive source of information on all aspects of shrimp production, this reference covers not only the global status of shrimp farming, but also examines shrimp anatomy and physiology. From nutrition to health management and harvesting issues to biosecurity, this well-researched volume evaluates existing knowledge, proposes new concepts, and questions common practices. With an extensive review on worldwide production systems, this compilation will be highly relevant to research scientists, students, and shrimp producers.