Book Details
Orange Code:47083
Paperback:1031 pages
1. Of Pigs and People2. General Characteristics of the U.S. Swine Industry3. Anatomy of the Digestive System and Nutritional Physiology4. Protein, Fat, and Bone Tissue Growth in Swine5. Energy Utilization in Swine Nutrition6. Fat in Swine Nutrition7. Nonstarch Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides in Swine Nutrition8. Amino Acids in Swine Nutrition9. Bioavailability of Amino Acids in Feedstuffs for Swine10. Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K in Swine Nutrition11. Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, and Sulfur in Swine Nutrition12. Trace and Ultratrace Elements in Swine Nutrition13. Vitamin A in Swine Nutrition14. Selenium and Vitamin E in Swine Nutrition15. Water-Soluble Vitamins in Swine Nutrition16. Bioavailability of Minerals and Vitamins17. Water in Swine Nutrition18. Antimicrobial and Promicrobial Agents19. Performance-Enhancing Substances20. Feed Intake in Growing-Finishing Pigs21. Use of Ingredient and Diet Processing Technologies (Grinding, Mixing, Pelleting, and Extruding) to Produce Quality Feeds for Pigs22. Effects of Facility Design on Behavior and Feed and Water Intake23. Thermal Environment and Swine Nutrition24. Nutrition and Immunology of Swine25. Mycotoxins and Other Antinutritional Factors in Swine Feeds26. Intestinal Bacteria and Their Influence on Swine Growth27. Swine Nutrition and Environmental Pollution and Odor Control28. Swine Nutrition, the Conversion of Muscle to Meat, and Pork Quality29. Nutrient Effects on Gene Expression30. Feeding Neonatal Pigs ..31. Feeding the Weaned Pig32. Feeding Growing-Finishing Pigs33. Feeding Gilts during Development and Sows during Gestation and Lactation34. Feeding of Developing and Adult Boars35. Cereal Grains and By-Products for Swine36. Protein Supplements37. Miscellaneous Feedstuffs38. Swine Modeling39. Statistical Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Swine Nutrition Experiments40. Digestion and Balance Techniques in Pigs41. Techniques for Measuring Body Composition of Swine42. Blood Sampling and Surgical Techniques
With 42 chapters authored by leading international experts, Swine Nutrition: Second Edition is a comprehensive reference that covers all aspects of the nutrition of pigs. It is equally suitable as an advanced undergraduate and graduate textbook as well as a reference for anyone working in any aspect of pig production.
The book begins with a general coverage of the characteristics of swine and the swine industry with emphasis on the gastrointestinal tract. It then describes the various classes of nutrients and how these nutrients are metabolized by swine and the factors affecting their utilization. The next section covers the practical aspects of swine nutrition from birth through gestation and lactation in sows and to the feeding of adult boars. The nutritional aspects of the various feedstuffs commonly fed to swine are covered in the following section. The final chapters of the book are devoted to coverage of various techniques used in swine nutrition research.