* The nature of fish diseases / J.W. Warren
* The role of improved husbandry practices / R.H. Griffiths and J.W. Warren
* Planning a fish health program for hatchery management / D.B. Goldthwaite and T.G. Carey
* Consideration in hatchery design for prevention of diseases / H. Westers
* Selection of water supplies / J.B. Daily and P. Economon
* Water supply sanitation / A.J. Sippel
* Stock and yearclass separation / R. Poynter
* Nutrition and fish health / C.Y. Cho
* Genetics and fish health / V.A. Mudrak
* Stocking practices and disease control / R.H. Griffiths
* Routine fish disease monitoring / L.L. Pettijohn
* Chemotherapy / R.W. Horner
* Immunization with vaccines / B.W. Souter
* Hatchery disinfection and disposal of infected stocks / J.G. Hnath
* Regional control of communicable diseases of fish / T.G. Carey
* Synthesis of a fish health management program / J.W. Warren
* Infectious hematopoietic necrosis / J.W. Warren
* Infectious pancreatic necrosis / J.G. Hnath
* Viral hemorrhagic septicemia / J.W. Warren
* Bacterial gill disease / J.H. Schachte
* Bacterial kidney disease / J.W. Warren
* Coldwater disease / J.H. Schachte
* Columnaris disease / J.H. Schachte
* Enteric redmouth disease / J.W. Warren
* Furunculosis / J.H. Schachte
* Ceratomyxosis / J.G. Hnath
* Whirling disease / J.G. Hnath
* Proliferative kidney disease of salmonids / A.J. Sippel and H.W. Ferguson