Book Details
Orange Code:46607
Paperback:868 pages
1. Instrumentation for food quality assuranceInstrumentation for food quality assurance2. Instrumental measurements and sensory parameters3. Principles of colour measurement for food4. Colour measurement of foods by colour reflectance5. Sorting by colour in the food industry6. Food compositional analysis using near infra-red absorption technology7. Practical aspects of infra-red remote thermometry8. In-line and off-line FTIR measurements9. Microwave measurements of product variables10. Pressure and temperature measurement in food process control11. Level and flow measurement in food process control12. Ultrasonic instrumentation in the food industry13. Ultrasound propagation in foods and ambient gases: principles and applications14. In-line and on-line rheology measurement15. Rheological measurements of foods16. Water activity and its measurement in food17. Conductance/impedance techniques for microbial assay18. Modern methods of texture measurement19. Sensors for food flavour and freshness: electronic noses, tongues and testers20. Chemosensors, biosensors, immunosensors and DNA probes: the base devices21. Biosensors for process monitoring and quality assurance in the food industry22. Commercial devices based on biosensors23. New biosensors
Providing an authoritative and practical guide to the range of instrumentation and sensors available to the food technology professional, the first edition of Instrumentation and Sensors for the Food Industry quickly established itself as the standard work in its field. This new edition has been comprehensively revised to include new developments and techniques, including the development of on-line sensors for immediate analysis and control of production. It has been expanded to a larger format and is now organized into five parts, including a substantial appendix with a glossary of sensors terminology and ancillary tables