Book Details
Orange Code:49438
Paperback:331 pages
1. The Tools of Spatial Epidemiology: GIS, Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing2. Spatial Epidemiology and Animal Disease: Introduction and Overview3. Geographical Information Science and Spatial Analysis in Human Health: Parallels and Issues for Animal Health Research4. Spatial Statistics in the Biomedical Sciences: Future Directions5. Geographical Information Science and Spatial Analysis in Animal Health6. The Use of GIS in Veterinary Parasitology7. The Use of GIS in Modelling the Spatial and Temporal Spread of Animal Diseases8. The Use of GIS in Companion Animal Epidemiology9. The Use of GIS in Epidemic Disease Response10. The Use of GIS in the Management of Wildlife Diseases
The use of geographical information systems (including remote sensing) and spatial analysis in public health is now widespread. Its importance and potential for the monitoring of animal diseases has never been greater with the recent outbreaks of BSE and Foot-and-Mouth Disease. GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science is the first book to review how such practices can be applied to veterinary science. Topics covered include the application of GIS to epidemic disease response, to companion animal epidemiology and to the management of wildlife diseases. It also covers the parallels with human health and spatial statistics in the biomedical sciences.