Book Details
Orange Code:76404
Paperback:220 pages
1. Where two fields meet2. Evolutionary cover-stories3. Brave new worlds4. Traits, invariants, and theories of everything5. Sons, daughters, and distorters6. Voyagers, residents, and sleepers7. Doing adaptive things8. Evolution and numbers9. A world of specialists10. The good, the bad, and the commensal11. Evolving together12. Birth of species13. Death of species14. Big evolution15. Big ecology16. Combining in diversity
A concise, rigorous, and readable introduction to evolutionary ecology, a field of questions united by the intermix of evolutionary and ecological knowledge. Although not designed as a textbook, the author's enthusiastic and accessible style will inspire students (both undergraduate and graduate) to use the book in conjunction with the primary literture and more extensive reviews of individual topics.