Book Details
Orange Code:76098
Paperback:571 pages
1. Introduction2. The fundamentals and fun of biocatalysis3. Marine biocatalysts and their stability: molecular approach4. Marine enzymes with applications for biosynthesis of fine chemicals5. Sources of marine enzymes6. Bioprocess engineering approaches for the production of marine enzymes7. Diversity, population dynamics and biocatalytic potential of cultivable and non- cultivable bacterial communities of the saline ecosystems8. Actinomycetes from marine habitats and their enzymatic potential9. Three types of proteolytic enzymes in hepatopancreas of Japanese common squid Todarodes pacifi cusas studied by degradation of fi sh muscle proteins10. Stereoselective synthesis using marine enzymes11. Tannase-source, biocatalytic characteristics, and bioprocesses for production12. Biosynthesis and degradation of bioactive imidazole- related dipeptides13. Polysaccharide- degrading enzymes from herbivorous marine invertebrates14. Marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria15. Ligninolytic enzymes from marine- derived fungi: production and applications16. Polysaccharide- degrading enzymes from marine bacteria17. The biosynthesis of trehalose and sugar- glycerate compatible solutes in organisms that live in hot and saline environments
Marine bioprospecting is a highly topical subject, but, as yet, the marine ecosystem is a relatively unexplored source of natural bioactive substances with potential therapeutic activity. This book addresses the use of marine enzymes in biocatalysis.
The author, a leading sciencist within academic and industrial fields, initially examines the nature and level of interest in marine biological diversity, and outlines the fundamentals of biocatalysis. He details sources of marine enzymes and analyzes examples from both chemical and stereochemical viewpoints of catalysis, including microbial enzymes and animal or plant sources before exploring the future potential of marine bioprospecting in biocatalysis.
-Offers a molecular view which fully explains the enzymatic aspects of reactions, particularly regarding biocatalytic characteristics and descriptions of bioprocesses
-Describes methods to help avoid destructive, large-scale collections of marine biomass for enzyme production