Book Details
Orange Code:91351
Paperback:398 pages
1. Unity, Diversity and the Fragmentation of International Law2. The Problem of Representation and the Iraqi Elections3. Relatively Failed. Troubled Statehood and International Law4. Puzzles and Solutions: Appreciating Carl Schmitt’s Work on International Law as Answers to the Dilemmas of his Weimar Political Theory5. Implied Powers of International Organizations: On the Character of a Legal Doctrine6. The ‘Belgian Thesis’ Revisited: United Nations Member States’ Obligation to Develop Autonomy for Indigenous Peoples7. International Online Dispute Resolution – Caveats to Privatizing Justice8. The Status of Self-determination in International Law: A Question of Legal Significance or Political Importance?9. La médiation officieuse: la specificité des bons offices dans la gamme des procédures non juridictionelles de règlement pacifique des différends10. The Importance of International Environmental Law in the Arctic
Despite its Finnish pedigree, the Finnish Yearbook of International Law does not restrict itself to purely 'Finnish' topics. On the contrary, it reflects the many connections in law between the national and the international. The Finnish Yearbook of International Law annually publishes articles of high quality dealing with all aspects of international law, including international law aspects of European law, with close attention to developments that affect Finland. It offers: longer articles of a theoretical nature; new avenues and approaches; shorter polemics; commentaries on current international law developments; book reviews; and documentation of relevance to Finland's foreign relations not easily available elsewhere. The Finnish Yearbook offers a fertile ground for the expression of and reflection on the connections between Finnish law and international law as a whole and insight into the richness of this interaction.