Book Details
Orange Code:91362
Paperback:309 pages
1. Introduction2. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Use of Comparative Law in the Construction of Constitutional Rights3. Foreign Law in American Jurisprudence: An Empirical Study4. Foreign Law in Domestic Courts: Different Uses, Different Implications5. Legitimacy and the Exercise of Universal Criminal Jurisdiction6. International and Transnational Law, Sovereignty, and Hegemonic Power7. The Promotion of International Criminal Law: Evaluating the International Criminal Court and the Apprehension of Indictees8. The Globalization of Human Rights Norms: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits of International Law and Transnational Activism9. Rights and the Limits of Transnational Solidarity in Europe10. International Imposition and Transmission of Democracy and the Rule of Law: Lessons from Central America11. The Role of International Actors in Promoting Rule of Law in Uganda12. Blurring Sovereignty: The Human Rights Act of 1998 and British Law13. Fundamental Rights, the European Court of Justice, and European Integration14. Spreading the Word: Australia’s National Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission as Transnational Legal Entrepreneur15. Judicial Globalization: How the International Law of Human Rights Changed the Argentine Supreme Court
Essays assessing the impact of globalization on law and court systems across the world.