Book Details
Orange Code:91704
Paperback:514 pages
1. Introduction2. The Regionalization and Realities of High Seas Fisheries3. Technology and Sea-Bed Issues4. Institutions and Adjudication5. The Ocean Environment6. The New Practice of Maritime Boundaries
In this volume, leading scholars and jurists in ocean law provide perspectives on the past record of legal change together with analyses of a wide range of institutional and legal innovation that are needed to meet current challenges. The topics that are addressed here include: policy process and legal innovation in marine fisheries management; institutional capacity and jurisdictional conflict in ocean-law adjudication; regionalism and multilateralism in their various aspects; the challenges posed by the sudden recent availability of technological access to underwater cultural heritage; compensation for war-related environmental damage; and the problems associated with access to marine genetic materials. "Bringing new law to ocean waters" --the quest to adjust the legal order of the oceans to changing realities, a quest that has produced both great achievements and grievous failures -- has constituted one of the major developments in international law in the last half century