Book Details
Orange Code:27178
Paperback:281 pages
1. Editorial Introduction2. History and Drivers of Sustainability in the Chemical Industry3. From Industrial to Sustainable Chemistry, a Policy Perspective4. Sustainable Industrial Chemistry from a Nontechnological Viewpoint5. Building Corporate Social Responsibility – Developing a Sustainability Management System Framework6. Sustainability Assessment Methods and Tools7. Integrated Business and SHESE Management Systems8. Supporting Process Design by a Sustainability KPIs Methodology9. Industrial Symbiosis and the Chemical Industry: between Exploration and Exploitation10. Cluster Management for Improving Safety and Security in Chemical Industrial Areas11. Sustainable Chemical Logistics12. Implementing Service-Based Chemical Supply Relationship13. Sustainable Chemical Warehousing14. A Transition Perspective on Sustainable Chemistry: the Need for Smart Governance?15. The Flemish Chemical Industry Transition toward Sustainability: the ‘‘FISCH’’ Experience
Approaching sustainability from the perspectives of engineering and multiple scientific disciplines, this book incorporates the concepts of intergenerational equity and ecological capabilities, while promoting scientific rigor for the analysis of sustainability and the use of appropriate metrics to determine the comparative merits of alternatives.
The chapters are organized around the key non-technological themes of sustainable industrial chemistry and provide an overview of the managerial principles to enhance sustainability in the chemicals sector. The book strives to provide an intellectual forum and stimulus for defining the roles chemical engineers can play in achieving sustainable development.
Suitable for industry and graduate education, this is the one-stop guide to greener, cleaner, economically viable and more efficient chemical industries.