Book Details
Orange Code:27152
Paperback:198 pages
1. Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker: Major Texts in Philosophy2. Preliminary Epistemological Considerations3. A Description of Physics4. Time: Physics—Metaphysics5. Biological Preliminaries to Logic6. Models of Health and Illness, Good and Evil, Truth and Falseness7. Parmenides and the Graylag Goose8. Possibility and Movement: A Note on Aristotelian Physics9. The Rationality of Emotions10. On Power
This book presents a collection of texts by the German physicist and philosopher Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (1912-2007) in English, for use in seminars on the philosophy of religion, the comparative study of religion, but as well on the relationship between religion and the scientific worldview. Most texts appear in English for the first time. Weizsäcker became famous through his works in physics, mainly in the early development of nuclear physics. Later he would also become well known as a philosopher and analyst of contemporary culture. He also worked very intensely on projects for the prevention of nuclear war and for peace in general.