Book Details
Orange Code:28220
Paperback:327 pages
1. Reframing Political Theory From a Global Perspective2. Perspectives on Human Nature and the Sources of Social Virtue3. Sources of Legitimate Political Authority4. Justice and Good Government5. Human Dignity and Human Rights6. The Economy and the State7. Oppression and Resistance8. Gender, Society, and the State9. Religion and the State10. Conclusions
Taking a global approach, this is the first book to truly do a political theory based on world philosophy. This book makes a case for the necessity of broadening the prevailing paradigm in which the study of normative political theory has been confined almost exclusively to Western works. The author argues for the inclusion of works of political thought from various non-Western civilizational traditions which do not always conform to the methodological canons of Western philosophy, so as to foster a global dialogue on perennial questions of political theory. She also challenges the assertion that there is a "clash of civilizations" between the West and other civilizations, arguing instead that all traditions are multi-vocal, so that adherents of various traditions can find common intellectual ground with each other, as well as points of contention with members of their own traditions.