Book Details
Orange Code:93014
Paperback:217 pages
1. Tales, Magic, and Fairy Tales2. Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Magic Tales3. Jewish Magic Tales4. Magic Tales in Medieval Christian Europe5. Magic Tales in the Muslim Middle Ages6. Magic at Court and on the Piazza7. The Problematics of Magic on the Threshold of Fairy Tale Magic: Straparola’s Early Modern Pleasant Nights8. The Evolution of Fairy Tale Magic from Straparola to Basile and Perrault
This book details magic's generally maleficent effect on human beings from ancient Egypt through the Middle Ages, including tales from classical mythology, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim cultures. Bottigheimer shows that certain magical motifs lived on from age to age, but that it took until the Italian Renaissance for magic tales to become fairy tales. Scores of forgotten or little known tales are re-told, allowing readers to form their own conclusions along with the author's analyses.