Book Details
Orange Code:93041
Paperback:464 pages
1. Narrative and Speech Problems in Thucydides Book I2. Divide and Conquer: Caesar, De Bello Gallico 73. Scipio the Matchmaker4. Velleius Mythistoricus5. 5. Romani ueteres atque urbani sales: A Note on Cicero De Oratore 2.262 and Lucilius 173M6. Allusion and Contrast in the Letters of Nicias (Thuc. 7.11–15) and Pompey (Sall. Hist. 2.98M)7. Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Livy on the Horatii and the Curiatii8. Amores 1.1–59. Munera uestra cano: The Poet, the Gods, and the Thematic Unity of Georgics 110. Eros and Empire: Virgil and the Historians on Civil War11. Fathers and Sons: The Manlii Torquati and Family Continuity in Catullus and Horace12. Juvenal and the Delatores13. Roma and Her Tutelary Deity: Names and Ancient Evidence14. Seven Passages of the Annals (and One of Manilius)15. The Great Escape: Tacitus on the Mutiny of the Usipi16. Pompeius Trogus in Tacitus’ Annals17. Voices of Resistance18. The Historian’s Presence, or, There and Back Again19. The Spur of Fame: Annals 4.37–8
This is a collection of studies on ancient (especially Latin) poetry and historiography, concentrating especially on the impact of rhetoric on both genres, and on the importance of considering the literature to illuminate the historical Roman context and the historical context to illuminate the literature. It takes the form of a tribute to Tony Woodman, Gildersleeve Professor of Latin at the University of Virginia, for whom twenty-one scholars have contributed essays reflecting the interests and approaches that have typified Woodman's own work. The authors that he has continuously illuminated - especially Velleius, Horace, Virgil, Sallust, and Tacitus - figure particularly prominently.