Book Details
Orange Code:93121
Paperback:447 pages
1. The First Thousand Years2. The Second Thousand Years3. Revelation, Tradition, and Scripture4. The Tripersonal God and the Incarnate Son5. The Human Condition: Created and Sinful6. The Life of Grace and the Hope of Glory7. The Sacraments8. The Catholic Church and its Mission9. Catholic Moral Life and Teaching10. Basic Characteristics of Catholicism11. Current Challenges
The bestselling Catholicism has now been revised and updated for an eagerly-anticipated second edition. This lucid and accessible account explains how Roman Catholicism and its beliefs and practices came to be what they are. Renowned scholars Gerald O'Collins and Mario Farrugia move through history to sum up the present characteristics of Catholic Christianity and the major challenges it faces in the third millennium. Clear and engaging, the authors present matters in a fresh and original way. They skilfully depict the Catholic heritage and show that Catholicism is a dynamic and living faith. O'Collins and Farrugia engage with contemporary moral issues and explore the challenges which Catholics and other Christians must face. This is an authoritative, lively, and up-to-date introduction to Catholicism for the twenty-first century.