Book Details
Orange Code:93129
Paperback:633 pages
1. Lee Martin McDonald: Hellenism and the Biblical Canons: Is There a Connection?2. Adam Kolman Marshak: Glorifying the Present through the Past: Herod the Great and His Jewish Royal Predecessors3. Preston M. Sprinkle: Beyond Covenant Nomism: Revisiting Palestinian Judaism in Light of Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities4. C.D. Elledge: Resurrection and Immortality in Hellenistic Judaism: Navigating the Conceptual Boundaries5. Andrew W. Pitts and Seth Pollinger: The Spirit in Second Temple Jewish Monotheism and the Origins of Early Christology6. Christopher D. Stanley: The Ethnic Context of Paul's Letters7. Tony Costa: "Is Saul of Tarsus also among the Prophets?" Paul's Calling as Prophetic Divine Commissioning8. Peter Frick: Monotheism and Philosophy: Notes on the Concept of God in Philo and Paul (Romans 1:18-21)9. Emma Wasserman: Paul Beyond the Judaism/Hellenism Divide? The Case of Pauline Anthropology in Romans 7 and 2Corinthians 4-510. Stanley E. Porter: Was John the Baptist a Member of the Qumran Community? Once More11. Wally V. Cirafesi: The Temple Attitudes of John and Qumran in the Light of Hellenistic Judaism12. Leo G. Perdue: Rhetoric and the Art of Persuasion in the Wisdom of Solomon13. Jacob Neusner¨Dialectics: Philosophical and Talmudic14. Catherine Hezser: Ancient "Science Fiction:" Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity15. Carl Mosser: Torah Instruction, Discussion, and Prophecy in First-Century Synagogues16. William Varner: On the Trail of Trypho: Two Fragmentary Jewish-Christian Dialogues from the Ancient Church
In Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism , Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts assemble an international team of scholars whose work has focused on reconstructing the social matrix for earliest Christianity through reference to Hellenistic Judaism and its literary forms.