Book Details
Orange Code:35066
Paperback:390 pages
1. Introduction to Statistical Methods2. Statistical Description of a Physical System3. Overview of Classical Thermodynamics4. Microcanonical Ensemble5. Canonical Ensemble6. The Classical Gas in the Canonical Formalism7. The Grand Canonical and Pressure Ensembles8. The Ideal Quantum Gas9. The Ideal Fermi Gas10. Free Bosons: Bose-Einstein Condensation; Photon Gas11. Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Classical Theories12. The Ising Model13. Scaling Theories and the Renormalization Group14. Nonequilibrlum phenomena: II. Stochastic Methods Stochastic Methods
This textbook covers the basic principles of statistical physics and thermodynamics. The text is pitched at the level equivalent to first-year graduate studies or advanced undergraduate studies. It presents the subject in a straightforward and lively manner. After reviewing the basic probability theory of classical thermodynamics, the author addresses the standard topics of statistical physics. The text demonstrates their relevance in other scientific fields using clear and explicit examples. Later chapters introduce phase transitions, critical phenomena and non-equilibrium phenomena.