Book Details
Orange Code:57456
Paperback:344 pages
1. Anatomy of the Vulva2. Tissue Structure and Physiology of the Vulva3. Changes in the Vulva and Vagina Throughout Life4. Microbial Ecology of the Vulva5. Are Vaginal Symptoms Ever Normal?6. Common Diseases of the Vulva7. Idiopathic Vulvodynia8. Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome9. Vulvar Therapies: Evidence Vs. Testimony10. The Menstrual Cycle, the Composition of Menses, and the Effect of Menses on the Skin11. The Menstrual Cycle and the Skin12. Genital Hygiene: Culture, Practices, and Health Impact13. Products for Vulvar Hygiene14. Vulva Ethnic Differences: An Overview15. Female Genital Alterations: A Sociological Perspective16. Bioengineering Methods for the Vulva17. Transepidermal Water Loss Dynamics of Human Vulvar and Thigh Skin18. Vulvar Toxicology19. Consumer Research and In-Market Comments
Addressing common misconceptions concerning the dermatologic composition and assessment of vulvular skin, this book is a unique compilation of current research and information on the anatomy, physiology, toxicology, microbiology, and diagnosis of the vulva and surrounding anatomical structures. A must-have source for anyone treating female patients, this source considers age and ethnicity factors and analyzes a wide range of symptoms, skin conditions, and diseases that physicians may encounter when caring for female patients.