Book Details
Orange Code:59983
Paperback:94 pages
1. How does an embryo form?2. How do the placenta and fetal membranes form?3. The body cavities and the diaphragm4. The integumentary, skeletal and muscular systems5. The respiratory system6. The cardiovascular system7. The digestive system8. The urinary system9. Development of the head and neck, the eye and ear
EMBRYOLOGY provides a concise and highly illustrated text, which confines its descriptions to those that are relevant for modern undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses, and similar courses in other related disciplines. An appreciation of embryology is essential to understand topological relationships in gross anatomy and to explain many congenital anomalies. Each chapter is supplemented by clinical point ‘boxes’ and by key revision points.
- Text in concise Illustrated Colour Text style, so core information on embryology can be quickly recognised and digested.
- Clear full colour diagrams and pictures make the embryological concepts clear and easily assimilated.
- Clinical boxes highlight essential points of importance to medical students.